Uma Thurman and Valeria Lukyanova
Uma Karuna Thurman, an American actress who gained fame due to her performance as Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction's dark comedy and is currently a rising star. In the dark comedy film Pulp Fiction she played Mia Wallace. She's an actress with a passion for acting, and she is not afraid of in letting go of her glam appearance. It was her role as the de-glamorized Kill Bill actress that won numerous Awards. The family she was born into is known for its unconventional life style, she received the title Hindu and was granted the Buddhist training. When she was a kid, she was teased for her striking build as well as big feet. Although she is now renowned as a beautiful and exotic beauty, at one time she had issues with self-esteem as well as the image of her body. The actress turned to acting as a way of convenience and also participated with the drama program at her high school. Because she was convinced that it was her destiny to act, she gave up her studies at age fifteen to concen...